Wells, Maine – Thanks to a generous gift from Christian (Chris) G. Magnuson, the York County Community College Foundation (YCCCF) is pleased to announce that the Helen I. Magnuson Endowment now stands a $100,000. “Chris has been a steadfast supporter and champion of YCCC and Greater York County for years, both through his noteworthy philanthropic efforts and his commitment to employ scores of area residents at Wasco Skylights.” said Tim Fossett, YCCCF Board Chairman. “This transformative gift by Chris in the name of his mother will have a tremendous impact on area residents for years to come.”
Magnuson originally started the fund in 2008 as a way to honor his mother, Helen who worked and volunteered countless hours of her time working to better the lives of others in Suffolk County, NY. Under the original agreement the fund supported students taking nursing courses. As part of the new contribution the scope of the fund has been expanded to meet the ever changing needs of the workforce.
The endowment now supports students who take credit or non-credit courses in an area of study that improves the lives of others. Preference is given to students taking courses in Nursing, Behavioral Health and Criminal Justice with priority given to students with one year or less left in completing a credential. Funds may be used to support students with tuition, books, supplies.
“This endowment is dedicated to the memory of My Mom, raised by her Mom, an immigrant from Finland, who worked as a family cook and domestic. She volunteered as a nurse’s aid during WWII and one of her proudest achievements, outside of having her three sons, was eventually earning an Associate’s Degree in Ornamental Horticulture. She always treasured her plants and flowers.” said Chris Magnuson “My mom knew what it was to struggle with depression but gave back by volunteering her time largely through Parents Anonymous® Inc., a community of parents, organizations and volunteers founded in 1969 dedicated to mitigating and preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences.”
The mission of the YCCC Foundation is to raise funds/resources from public, private, and other charitable organizations. We seek to support YCCC students and YCCC educational resources while maintaining responsible stewardship to our donors and creating strong community relations. The YCCC Foundation ensures that any eligible YCCC student who seeks a quality education at YCCC is financially able to do so. FMI or to make a donation please visit www.ycccf.org.