Sarah is a part-time student in YCCC’s Education program, a full-time office employee at a local bar and restaurant and a mom to a busy 19-month-old. Sarah has been working in the hospitality industry for two decades but recently decided to change course.

College vs. Workforce

Like many high school students, Sarah attended college right out of high school. Sarah enjoyed her time in college but felt more drawn to the workforce. After a couple of years, Sarah left school and has been happily working in hospitality ever since.


Despite a successful career and supportive employer, hospitality jobs have challenging hours for parents. To find more balance between work and home, Sarah is embarking on a new path and is pursuing an Education degree at YCCC. Sarah will graduate in May 2025 and hopes to transfer to USM next fall to where she will focus her studies on educating children in grades K-5. Sarah wants to be a part of the excitement kids have about school and learning and feels that is where she can have the greatest impact.

Experience at YCCC

Online education was not as prevalent when Sarah was last in college, so while it has been a huge help in her return to school, she admits being nervous at first. However, her success coach worked with her on how to navigate her courses, manage her time, and helped facilitate the transfer of coursework that she completed so many years ago! Sarah feels supported at YCCC and that “people want to help you and want you to succeed, you are not just a graduation number.”

Advice for Future Students

Sarah’s advice for future students is, “If you are on the fence about returning to school and think it may be too overwhelming then just initiate a conversation with the staff at YCCC and take advantage of the tools offered.” For example, Sarah’s conversation resulted in her finding out about the HOPE scholarship, which she was awarded, and has relieved some of the pressure associated with returning to school.

For more information about YCCC Education Degree CLICK HERE.